If you have an emergency or need emergency help please call 911 for assistance.
The Town of Rye relies on the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Department for all emergency situations. The Rye Fire Department works diligently with the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Department in the case of an emergency fire. In the case of an emergency the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Department will communicate factual information on a need-to-know basis to the public to avoid misinformation. Please note that when an emergency is occurring it is crucial to avoid the area so that the emergency service providers can properly manage the situation.
In the case that the Town of Rye is directly at risk of an emergency situation and requires evacuation, the Pueblo County Sheriff’s Department will issue a reverse 911 call to inform residents of the evacuation, including where residents can evacuate to. The Pueblo County Sheriff’s Department works closely with the Rye Fire Chief in determining which specific areas or “neighborhoods” of Rye need to be evacuated in an emergency fire. It is important to keep in mind that one area of Rye that is deemed at risk does not constitute the entire area of Rye being at risk and the Town of Rye heavily depends on our emergency services providers to use their expertise to make these determinations.