2024 Water Rate Increase

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2024 Town of Rye Approved Water and Sewer Rate 


To meet the financial needs of providing water to our residents the following right to serve rate changes are approved for the years 2022 -2026:

Meter Size




































 In addition to the right to serve rate, residents will be charged per gallon used monthly at the following rates:


3/4” Meter Usage Rate


Usage Rate

1.0 – 19,999

$.00302/gal used


$.020/gal used

1” Meter Usage Rate


Usage Rate

1.0 - 29,999

$.00324/gal used


$.020/gal used





1 ½ ” Meter Usage Rate


Usage Rate

1.0 – 39,999

$.00344/gal used


$.020/gal used

2” Meter Usage Rate


Usage Rate

1.0 – 49,999

$.00404/gal used


$.020/gal used




Example 1: Account 150 has a 3/4” service line and used 4,280 gallons in the month of June. The bill would be figured as follows: 4,280 gal X .00302/gal + $61.00 right to serve fee (base rate) = $73.93 will be billed for water.

Example 2: Account 150 has a 3/4" service line and used 25,000 gallons in the month of June. The bill would be figured as follows: 19,999 gal X .00302/gal + 5,001 gal X .020/gal + $61.00 right to serve fee (base rate) = $221.42 will be billed for water.                                        

The Town of Rye has identified customers with multiple efficiency units* receiving water through a single meter associated with the property. The principal connection will be charged per month based on meter size rate, plus usage, AND plus an additional fee of $40.00 for each efficiency unit on that property that is served by the property’s single meter.


Sewer charges are determined yearly for each customer by averaging individual water consumption for the months of December, January, and February and adding the right to serve sewer fee of $29.64/month. The months of December, January, and February are used to determine the average water consumption because water usage is generally at the lowest per individual customer. 

To meet the financial needs of providing wastewater treatment to the residents of the Town of Rye, the following right to serve fee (base rate) and consumption averages fees are proposed: 

All customers will be charged a flat fee of $29.64 per month for right to serve (base rate) for wastewater treatment. Additionally, customers will be charged per month for the average usage as follows: 

3/4"and 1" .005/gal of the average water consumption of Dec., Jan., Feb. 

1½" and 2" .00697 /gal of the average water consumption of Dec., Jan., Feb.

Example: Account 150 has a 3/4" meter and averaged 2,160 gal of water consumed for the months of Dec., Jan., and Feb. 2,160 gal X .005/gal + $29.64 right to serve fee (base rate) = $40.44. Account 150 would know their sewer fee would be $40.44 each month for the entire year. 

The Town of Rye has identified customers with multiple efficiency units* that are connected to the town sewer main through one connection. The principal connection will be charged per month based on meter size rate, plus usage average, AND plus an addition fee of $15.00 for each efficiency unit on the property that is served by the property's single sewer main connection.

For sewer billing purposes, water consumption for Dec., Jan., and Feb. will be recalculated yearly in the month of February to be used in the following year. The new water and sewer fees will appear in the January billing of each year, beginning in 2023.

*Efficiency Unit is any unit in addition to the principal connection (i.e. multiple connections on the same line). Additionally, efficiency units have not been permitted since Ordinance 2020-9 "Ordinance to Require Water/Sewer Tap for Every Single-Family Home and Commercial Residential/Multi-Family Properties to Require Board Approval for Water and Sewer Taps Prior to Construction Beginning" was enacted on May 13, 2020.