THANK YOU Town Square Fair Vendors!

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The Board of Trustees would like to give a HUGE shoutout to our incredibly generous sponsors for the Town Square Fair, without whom, this event would not be possible! Mountain Disposal, Kirkland Construction, Siete Inc., High Country Fence, Zut Zut Trucking, Action 22, Greenhorn Valley Chamber of Commerce, San Isabel Lodging, Ace Hardware, Three Sister's Tavern & Grill, Bolt's Burgers, High Octane BBQ, Roundtable Sports Grill, Tea Treats & Sweets, Kid's Clothes N' Things, Hollydot Golf Course, Sherri's Bling N' Things, CMS Technologies, Brad Azuremar- Handy Man on Demand, Rye Methodist Church, & Greg Colter- Colorado Rural Water. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!